Our Programs
Our programs consist of a broad spectrum of developmentally appropriate concepts that are expanded upon and reinforced objectives for development and learning through comprehensive curriculum. These objectives are fully aligned with early childhood education learning standards. In addition, unique monthly themes enhance our educational goals to provide enhanced and intellectually stimulating activities throughout the day.
High-Quality Early Childhood Education
To support the developmental requirements of the children in our early childhood education centers, BumbleBeesRus offers intellectually appropriate and safe Infant, Toddler, and Preschool programs.

From affectionate, thoughtful interaction to nap time, singing or read-alouds, our wonderful teachers provide just what your baby needs, in a safe and clean environment.

Our toddlers are given plenty of opportunities gain their independence, build their social skills, to investigate, explore and play in a safe and secure, yet stimulating environment.

We encourage our bright young thinkers to make connections between what they are learning in their classrooms to the fascinating world in which we live.
3K, Pre-K For All, After School,
Summer and Voucher Programs
BumbleBeesRus provides an exceptional learning experience for children ages 3-10.